Monday, July 28, 2008

Rockwall Bike Lanes <- Not an active link yet... But I think it will be the next thing to fill my time through my day-to-day life. I have had a few discussions with local county officials about the progress of our majoy thorough-fairs in our county. The County Commissioners Court is trying to develop support for a 100 million dollar bond that will go to vote this fall. This bond would pay for 1/3....yes, just one-third of cost to rebuild and expand 549, 66, 205, and 740. There is a section of the bond allocated for such things as bike lanes called the "Open Space Plan"... which means they just needed a place to stick that issue to hold off people for now.
Did you know how the HWY 66 bridge got bike lanes across the entire lake? Quite simple really...during construction of the hwy 66 bridge, then Mayor Scott Self physically walked down to the site and had a short conversation with the project manager. Keep in mind, this is after every budget item was finalized, all contracts were signed, and crews had been working for months. It went something like this, "Hi Bob, what would it take to extend the bridge to make room for a proper bike lane that is protected from traffic?" and the reply surprised us all... Bob said, "No sweat, we can put that in there for you."
Do what?????????? That is freakin' crazy! Why is it so hard for us to develop bike lanes throughout our county? I don't have the answer... but I do hope to develop the support through the new website going up soon. .

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