Friday, December 10, 2010

"race" report. Wedding Day @ Rock & Roll Half Marathon in Vegas, Baby, Vegas!

Green Members:  Michael & Dian
Event: LAS VEGAS Rock and Roll ½ Marathon (and wedding)
Results: I was a winner! I got a wife!
Local Knowledge: Unbeknownst to us, we had actually run most of the course in our previous trips! FLAT!!!
Pre Race Conditioning and warm up: I have been training for 40 years for this day! And I was ready!!!!
Number of Bride meltdowns: 3. 
#1 Missing the "wedding meeting" due to change of venue. But it all worked out.
#2 Couldn't find ponytail holder the morning of wedding. I had one in my shave kit.:)
#3 During my D2, the "group" had left, but we were already at race site so I knew we'd be ok, but nervous brides don't see things clearly:)
Something Learned: Canadians can drink....alot! Long story! And fried sausage is GREAT
Something Funny: Everyone wanted our picture before and after the race. That is because Dian looked AMAZING!
We will be out there next year to really race it!

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